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Friday, 17 April 2009

Retro Friday

One of my favorite games for the Nintendo console! Paperboy!!!! Yes it was a simple game and it didn't take me long to complete it, I was 6 when I beat it :D Now only if they can make the game for the Wii!


DS said...

I so sucked at Paperboy. Then again games that required me to dodge anything like Contra = FAIL. Funny though I was awesome at Mario Bros. Then I found FF and kinda became an RPG geek. Woe to me lol


JoJo said...

:D It didn't take me long to beat Mario Bros either, now I can beat the whole game in 10mins! :P

Woe to you on FF!!! :D I haven't played game in ages.

DS said...

I had an old nes with the original FF somewhere...then again I also have the Anthology CD easier to pop in a CD then to play the 'blowing game' with the nes cartridges XD